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Next Cohort Starts:

02 Oct 2024

Part Time (Evenings)

10 Weeks

Mon, Tue, Fri

6pm - 9pm

Bonus Sessions:

2 extra weeks (6 sessions)


Study Mode

Online (Zoom meeting)

Group Size (25 Students Max)​​​

Group Projects (real clients)


Short Course

  • Covers Core Topics

  • Soft Skills

  • Real-Life Projects (real customers)

  • Seminars by Professionals

  • Networking Opportunity with professionals and peers

Introduction to
Data Analytics and AI

This course comprehensively introduces Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Designed for beginners, the course covers the fundamental concepts, tools, and techniques used in data analysis and AI. Students will gain hands-on experience with data exploration, machine learning models, and practical applications of AI in various industries. The course culminates in a capstone project where students apply their knowledge to solve real-world problems.


  • ​No prior experience in Data Analytics or AI is required.

  • No prior programming experience is required, the course is designed for beginners, but basic familiarity with Python or any programming language will be beneficial.​

Course Outline

Course Outline

Topics Covered


  • Introduction to Data Analytics and AI​​

  • Data Collection and Preprocessing​​

  • Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)​

  • Supervised & Unsupervised Learning Algorithms

  • Natural Language Processing (Basic)​​

  • Natural Language Processing (Advanced)​

  • Gen AI - LLMs

  • Computer Vision (CV) - Bonus Sessions


What will you gain after this course

The course is designed to give students a comprehensive introduction to various domains of Data Science.


You will explore key areas such as

  • Data Analysis

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)

  • Time Series Forecasting

  • Generative AI

  • LLMs


By the end of the course, you’ll have a solid understanding of the fundamentals and will be introduced to advanced concepts and state-of-the-art technologies like Large Language Models (LLMs). This foundation will equip you with the skills needed to pursue further learning or start applying Data Science techniques in real-world scenarios.


Design Only
Design Only

Training Mode

Short Course

Who is this course for?

This course is ideal for anyone interested in exploring Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, regardless of their background. Whether you're from a technical field or a non-technical one, the course is structured to accommodate all levels of experience. However, it's important to note that if the majority of participants are from a non-technical background, we may need to adjust our pacing and add more buffer time to ensure everyone is on the same page. 


Here are some specific groups of people who would benefit from this course:

  • Beginners in Data Analytics and AI

    • Individuals with little to no prior experience in data analysis or artificial intelligence.

    • Those who are curious about how data is used to drive decisions and how AI is applied in various industries.

  • Professionals Seeking to Upskill

    • Professionals from various fields (marketing, finance, healthcare, etc.) who want to leverage data analytics and AI in their roles.

    • Employees looking to enhance their decision-making skills by understanding data and AI trends.

  • Students and Recent Graduates

    • Students from non-technical backgrounds who are considering a career in data science, AI, or related fields.

    • Recent graduates looking to gain foundational knowledge in data analytics and AI to improve their job prospects.

  • Entrepreneurs and Business Owners

    • Entrepreneurs interested in understanding how data analytics and AI can drive business growth.

    • Business owners looking to implement data-driven strategies or AI solutions in their operations.

  • Tech Enthusiasts

    • Individuals with an interest in technology who want to explore the basics of data analytics and AI.

    • Hobbyists who are eager to understand how AI works and how it is applied in everyday technology.

  • Anyone Interested in AI Trends

    • Those who are curious about AI developments and how they are shaping the future.

    • Individuals who want to stay informed about the ethical implications and societal impacts of AI.

  • Hobbyists and Enthusiasts

  • Educational and Institutional Participants


This course is accessible to a broad audience, with no prior experience required, making it an ideal starting point for anyone interested in the growing fields of data analytics and AI.


Course Overview

This course entails

Introduction to Data Analytics and AI

Data analytics fundamentals:

  • Overview of data types,

  • Basic Statistical Concepts

  • Importance of data-driven decision-making.

Overview of the data science lifecycle:

  • Explanation of stages from data collection to deployment and monitoring of models.

Introduction to Python for data analysis:

  • Basic Python syntax

  • Data structure

  • Introduction to key libraries like NumPy and Pandas.

Data Collection and Preprocessing

Data cleaning and preprocessing techniques:

  • Methods for handling inconsistencies

  • Standardizing formats

  • Preparing data for analysis.

Handling missing data and outliers:

  • Strategies for imputation, deletion

  • Dealing with extreme values in datasets.

Feature engineering basics:

  • Techniques for creating new features from existing data to improve model performance.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

Data visualization techniques:

  • Creating and interpreting various chart types (scatter plots, histograms, box plots) using libraries like Matplotlib and Seaborn.

Correlation analysis:

  • Understanding and calculating correlations between variables, interpreting correlation matrices.

Supervised Learning Algorithms

Linear and logistic regression:

  • Understanding these fundamental algorithms for prediction and classification tasks.

Decision trees and random forests:

  • Exploring tree-based models and ensemble methods for improved predictive performance.

Naive Bayes classifiers:

  • Probabilistic classifiers based on applying Bayes' theorem with strong independence assumptions.

Clustering algorithms:

  • K-means and hierarchical clustering for grouping similar data points.

Principal Component Analysis (PCA):

  • Technique for reducing dimensionality while preserving important information.

Deep Learning and Neural Networks

Neural network architecture:

  • Structure and components of artificial neural networks, including layers and neurons.

Forward & backpropagation:

  • Understanding how neural networks learn and optimize their parameters.

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs):

  • Neural networks designed to work with sequence data, including time series and natural language.

Natural Language Processing (Basic)

Text preprocessing and vectorization:

  • Techniques for cleaning and representing text data for machine learning models.

Sentiment analysis and topic modelling:

  • Applications of NLP for understanding emotions and themes in text data.

Natural Language Processing (Advanced)

  • Overview of natural language processing and its evolution

  • Fundamentals of LLMs: architecture, training, and capabilities

  • Introduction to transformer models and attention mechanisms

  • Popular LLM frameworks and models (e.g., BERT, GPT)

Gen AI - LLMs

  • Prompt engineering and few-shot learning

  • Fine-tuning strategies for specific tasks

  • Ethical considerations and biases in LLMs

  • LLM applications in various industries


  • Set up Python environment with Jupyter Notebook​

  • Pandas Lab
    Explore and manipulate different data types using Pandas

  • Create basic visualizations with Matplotlib

  • Implement a simple linear regression using scikit-learn





  • Feature engineering workshop: create new features from an e-commerce dataset

  • Build a data pipeline using Python to automate preprocessing steps










  • Perform and interpret correlation analysis on financial data​







  • Build a random forest model for predicting housing prices​

  • Implement K-means clustering on customer segmentation data​

  • Apply PCA to reduce the dimensionality of a high-dimensional dataset














  • Hands-on activity with Pytorch / TensorFlow to build DL models from scratch​

  • Fine-tune a pre-trained model for transfer learning









  • Develop a sentiment analysis model for movie reviews



  • Fine-tune a pre-trained BERT model for text classification

  • Implement sentiment analysis using a transformer-based model

  • Explore token embeddings and visualize semantic relationships

  • Creating a basic application in StreamLit / Gradio


  • Create a simple question-answering system using a pre-trained LLM

  • Develop a text summarization tool using an LLM

  • Implement a RAG based chatbot using LLMs


Book your spot

Book Your Spot

  • What is a front-end developer?
    A front-end developer is a professional responsible for implementing visual and interactive elements that users engage with through their web browser. They work primarily with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build user-friendly websites and web applications.
  • What are the key skills required for a front-end developer?
    Essential skills include proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, understanding of responsive design principles, knowledge of frameworks and libraries such as React.js, Angular, or Vue.js, and experience with version control systems like Git.
  • How do HTML, CSS, and JavaScript work together?
    HTML provides the structure of the webpage, CSS controls the visual presentation and layout, and JavaScript enables interactivity and dynamic content manipulation. Together, they form the core technologies for front-end development.
  • What is responsive design?
    Responsive design is an approach to web development that ensures web pages render well on various devices and window or screen sizes. It involves using flexible layouts, flexible images, and CSS media queries.
  • Why are frameworks and libraries like React.js important?
    Frameworks and libraries help streamline the development process by providing pre-written code, tools, and best practices. They allow developers to build complex applications more efficiently and maintainable.
  • What tools do front-end developers use?
    Common tools include code editors (e.g., Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text), version control systems (e.g., Git), browser developer tools, package managers (e.g., npm, Yarn), and build tools (e.g., Webpack, Gulp).
  • What is the importance of version control in front-end development?
    Version control systems like Git allow developers to track and manage changes to the codebase, collaborate with team members, and revert to previous versions if needed, ensuring a more organized and efficient development process.
  • How do front-end developers ensure website accessibility?
    Developers ensure accessibility by following best practices and guidelines such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). This includes using semantic HTML, ensuring keyboard navigability, providing alternative text for images, and ensuring color contrast meets standards.
  • What is a CSS preprocessor and why use it?
    A CSS preprocessor like Sass or Less extends CSS with variables, nesting, and functions, making the stylesheet code more maintainable and easier to write. It compiles into regular CSS that the browser can interpret.
  • How do you optimize a website for performance?
    Performance optimization techniques include minimizing HTTP requests, compressing images, leveraging browser caching, using content delivery networks (CDNs), and optimizing JavaScript and CSS files by minifying and combining them.
  • What is a single-page application (SPA)?
    A SPA is a web application that interacts with the user by dynamically rewriting the current page rather than loading entire new pages from a server. This provides a smoother, more fluid user experience. Popular frameworks for SPAs include React.js, Angular, and Vue.js.
  • Can you explain the difference between CSS Grid and Flexbox?
    CSS Grid is a layout system designed for two-dimensional layouts, allowing developers to create complex, responsive grid-based layouts. Flexbox is a one-dimensional layout system aimed at distributing space along a single row or column, ideal for aligning items within a container.
  • What is the role of a front-end developer in a development team?
    Front-end developers collaborate with designers, back-end developers, and other stakeholders to create user interfaces. They translate design mockups into code, implement interactive elements, ensure cross-browser compatibility, and optimize the user experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Abrar is a seasoned Senior Data Scientist with a robust background in Machine Learning and AI, boasting over half a decade of experience across research, industry, and academia.


He has contributed to advanced Fraud Detection Systems for a major global payments processor and worked on data-driven healthcare solutions for NHS. Currently, Abrar is a consultant at a prominent US-based technology company, where he leverages Generative AI and Time Series Forecasting to enhance marketing strategies within the entertainment and media sectors.


Alongside his industry work, Abrar is deeply committed to education, having led numerous AI and NLP Bootcamps tailored for professionals aiming to enhance their technical expertise.


His teaching approach prioritizes practical applications and innovation, leveraging his vast experience in both applied AI projects and academic research. This ensures that learners acquire a solid theoretical foundation while also developing valuable real-world skills.

Teacher in Artificial Intelligence with no headphones and plain white background.jpg

M Abrar Khalid - Senior Data Scientist

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