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Full Time - 1 Days

9am - 4pm


14th, 21st

Part Time (Evenings) - 6pm - 8pm,  3 Days


8th - 10th

15th - 17th

22th - 24th

Study Mode

Your Day at Sakmo

Online (Zoom meeting)



Group Discussions

Case Studies


Short Course

  • Covers Core Topics

  • Soft Skills

  • Cyber Security Awareness Course for Anyone and Everyone

Cyber Security Awareness
Beginners 2024 Short Course

This course is designed to teach you the BASICS of cyber security awareness, social engineering, network security and online self-defense, even if you have no IT / Cyber Security experience or knowledge.


  • There is no Age Limit on this course

  • Everyone who uses the internet, mobiles, social media sites



​This course is designed to give you the Basics of cyber security awareness, social engineering, network security and online self-defence, even if you have no IT / Cyber Security experience or knowledge.


Session 1
Introduction to Cyber Security

  • Online Services:

    • The Big Picture of How Things Work

  • What is Cyber Security: 

    • Definition and importance of cyber security.

    • Common cyber threats and attacks.

  • Terminology:

    • What are Threats, Attacks, Targets, Incidents

    • Firewalls, and encryption

    • Malware, ransomware

    • Phishing


Session 2
Cyber Threats and Attacks

  • What is Encryption

    • Encryption and how it works

    • What makes it unbreakable?

    • How is it used?

  • Cyber Threats

    • Malware (viruses, worms, trojans, spyware, adware).

    • Phishing and social engineering.

    • Ransomware and cryptojacking.

    • Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.

  • Attacks:

    • What are Attack Vectors?

    • How do attackers gain access to your online infrastructure and services?

    • Common Vulnerabilities and exploitation

Session 3
Best Practices to Stay Safe Online

  • Passwords: 

    • Creating strong passwords and using password managers

    • Importance of changing passwords regularly and avoiding reuse

    • Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)

  • Email:

    • Email Anatomy

    • Identifying phishing emails and avoiding malicious links/attachments.

    • Best practices for handling suspicious emails.

  • Social Media:

    • What is Personally Identifiable Information (PII)?

    • Protecting personal information on social platforms.

    • Recognizing and avoiding social engineering attacks.

Session 4
Protect Your Devices

  • Securing Computers and Mobile Devices:

    • Installing and updating antivirus and anti-malware software.

    • Enabling firewalls and keeping operating systems and applications updated.

  • Safe Browsing:

    • The lure of free content and services

    • Using secure and trusted websites.

    • Avoiding malicious downloads and websites.

Session 5
Protecting Your Home

  • Home Network:

    • Securing Wi-Fi network access

  • Public Wi-Fi Risks:

    • Dangers of using public Wi-Fi networks

    • Using VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) for safe access

Session 6
Cyber Security at Your Workplace

  • Your Responsibility:

    • Your Role in keeping your workplace secure

    • Best practices for remaining secure at your workplace

  • Secure Work Practices:

    • Handling of sensitive information

    • Periodic Security Awareness Training

  • Data Privacy:

    • Understanding personal data and its value.

    • Best practices for protecting personal information.

  • How Encryption Enables Implementing Privacy:

    • Encryption and how it works (recap)

    • Its role in data protection.

    • Encryption tools for securing data.

What will you gain after this course

​A beginner cyber security awareness course typically helps individuals understand
and navigate the basics of cyber security. Here's how the course would benefit you:

  • Sufficient awareness of cybersecurity to hold a conversation on the topic

  • To implement safe practices on your home network and personal devices

  • To confidently manage your emails, computers, mobile devices, internet browsing, and your data online

  • Feel safe, secure, and private on the internet

  • Understand the best practices at your workplace and conform to them

  • Champion online security best practices within your organisation

  • Contribute positively towards maintaining your organisation’s security posture

Training Mode

Short Course

Design Only
Design Only

Who is this course for?

A front-end web developer course is suitable for a wide range of individuals, including:

  • General Public

    • Individuals - Anyone interested in protecting themselves​

    • Families - Parents and guardians, young children who use the internet, mobiles and social media

  • Employees and Professionals

    • Office Workers​

    • Remote Workers

    • Executives and Managers

  • Small Business Owners Entrepreneurs

  • Students and Educators

  • IT Professionals and Technicians

    • Help Desk Support​

    • System Administrators

  • Freelancers and Contractors
  • Senior Citizens​


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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a front-end developer?
    A front-end developer is a professional responsible for implementing visual and interactive elements that users engage with through their web browser. They work primarily with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build user-friendly websites and web applications.
  • What are the key skills required for a front-end developer?
    Essential skills include proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, understanding of responsive design principles, knowledge of frameworks and libraries such as React.js, Angular, or Vue.js, and experience with version control systems like Git.
  • How do HTML, CSS, and JavaScript work together?
    HTML provides the structure of the webpage, CSS controls the visual presentation and layout, and JavaScript enables interactivity and dynamic content manipulation. Together, they form the core technologies for front-end development.
  • What is responsive design?
    Responsive design is an approach to web development that ensures web pages render well on various devices and window or screen sizes. It involves using flexible layouts, flexible images, and CSS media queries.
  • Why are frameworks and libraries like React.js important?
    Frameworks and libraries help streamline the development process by providing pre-written code, tools, and best practices. They allow developers to build complex applications more efficiently and maintainable.
  • What tools do front-end developers use?
    Common tools include code editors (e.g., Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text), version control systems (e.g., Git), browser developer tools, package managers (e.g., npm, Yarn), and build tools (e.g., Webpack, Gulp).
  • What is the importance of version control in front-end development?
    Version control systems like Git allow developers to track and manage changes to the codebase, collaborate with team members, and revert to previous versions if needed, ensuring a more organized and efficient development process.
  • How do front-end developers ensure website accessibility?
    Developers ensure accessibility by following best practices and guidelines such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). This includes using semantic HTML, ensuring keyboard navigability, providing alternative text for images, and ensuring color contrast meets standards.
  • What is a CSS preprocessor and why use it?
    A CSS preprocessor like Sass or Less extends CSS with variables, nesting, and functions, making the stylesheet code more maintainable and easier to write. It compiles into regular CSS that the browser can interpret.
  • How do you optimize a website for performance?
    Performance optimization techniques include minimizing HTTP requests, compressing images, leveraging browser caching, using content delivery networks (CDNs), and optimizing JavaScript and CSS files by minifying and combining them.
  • What is a single-page application (SPA)?
    A SPA is a web application that interacts with the user by dynamically rewriting the current page rather than loading entire new pages from a server. This provides a smoother, more fluid user experience. Popular frameworks for SPAs include React.js, Angular, and Vue.js.
  • Can you explain the difference between CSS Grid and Flexbox?
    CSS Grid is a layout system designed for two-dimensional layouts, allowing developers to create complex, responsive grid-based layouts. Flexbox is a one-dimensional layout system aimed at distributing space along a single row or column, ideal for aligning items within a container.
  • What is the role of a front-end developer in a development team?
    Front-end developers collaborate with designers, back-end developers, and other stakeholders to create user interfaces. They translate design mockups into code, implement interactive elements, ensure cross-browser compatibility, and optimize the user experience.

Gopi Gargé is a Data Networking and Cyber Security
professional with over three decades of experience in
research, industry, and academia. He is an honorary
faculty at the University of Liverpool and associated
with the Chevening Cyber Security Fellowship at
Cranfield University (UK Defence Academy,
Shrivenham) since 2019.


He has consulted for the industry in the areas of data
networking and wireless sensor networks. His current
areas of interest are cyber security for supply-chains
and deception techniques for security countermeasures.

He is a Fellow of the IPv6 Forum and has been a member of the ETSI ISG-IPE WG and the IEEE P1931.1 WG.


Gopi Gargé - Cyber Security Lead

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